All Saints Day 2001

  Bethlehem Catholic High School I was wondering about the difference between a virtuous person, on the one hand, and a saint on the other.  What makes the difference?  I was mulling over this question, and I found the answer—in, of all places, the dentist’s chair.   It’s September 5th,

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Eloquent Oxen

Draw near to him [i.e. Jesus], a living stone, rejected indeed by men but chosen and honored by God.  Be you yourselves as living stones, built thereon into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. –1 Peter 2:4-5–             The early

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First Things First

Blind guides, who strain out the gnat but swallow the camel! –Matthew 23:24– In the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, people are obsessing about unimportant things such as television shows, all the while failing to take any notice of the war that is threatening to destroy their society.  That

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Signs of Authenticity

And they kept inquiring by signs of his father what he would have him called. –Luke 1:62–                The account of the restoration of Zechariah’s power of speech (Luke 1:57-66) is one of my favorite biblical passages, because I believe it lends support to the reliability of the Evangelists, that

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The Third Eye

A Talk for the Serra Club’s Dinner for Newly Ordained Priests             I have often told Jesus that if I had to invent a religion, I could not come up with a seemingly stranger one than Catholicism.  How can the Eucharist, what appears to be bread and wine, really be

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