The Courtship of Princess Lucilda By Father Bernard J. Ezaki Tell All the Truth Tell all the truth but tell it slant, Success in circuit lies, Too bright for our infirm delight The truth’s superb surprise; As lightning to the children eased With explanation kind, The truth
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Envy: The Devil’s Darling
Turning round, Peter saw following them the disciple whom Jesus loved, the one who, at the supper, had leaned back upon his breast and said, “Lord, who is it that will betray thee?” Peter therefore, seeing him, said to Jesus, “Lord, and what of this man?” Jesus said to him,
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God Is More Awesome than an Elephant OR How Many Saints Does It Take to Reveal Our God?
A Homily for All Saints Day When I was in fifth grade, I remember reading a parable from ancient India. It has stayed with me all these years. Six blind men try to describe an elephant. The first blind man grabs hold of the elephants moving trunk and says, “Unless
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