The Holy Eucharist

Three Different Views Concerning the Eucharist Most Christians would readily agree that the Eucharist is “the central act of Christian worship.”   [The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 2nd Edition, p. 475.]   Unfortunately, those who profess to follow the teachings of Jesus differ greatly when it comes to

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From Water to Wine

            Isn’t it amazing how many jokes there are about the hardships of married life?  We’ve all heard them.  Here, for example, are only four: I never knew what bliss was until I got married, and now it’s too late. My wife and I were perfectly happy for thirty years. 

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Unprofitable Servants

When you have done everything that was commanded you, say, “We are unprofitable servants; we have done what it was our duty to do.” –Luke 17:10–             I have long been struck by the apparent harshness of Jesus labeling us “unprofitable servants.”  It sounds as if Our Lord considers us

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The Two Shall Become One

Therefore now they are no longer two, but one flesh. –Matthew 19:6–             Most people who own cactus plants are familiar with what is known as a grafted cactus.  Botanists are able to take two very different species of cactus and join them together.  The resulting plant, though it would

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