Signs of Authenticity

And they kept inquiring by signs of his father what he would have him called. –Luke 1:62–                The account of the restoration of Zechariah’s power of speech (Luke 1:57-66) is one of my favorite biblical passages, because I believe it lends support to the reliability of the Evangelists, that

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The Third Eye

A Talk for the Serra Club’s Dinner for Newly Ordained Priests             I have often told Jesus that if I had to invent a religion, I could not come up with a seemingly stranger one than Catholicism.  How can the Eucharist, what appears to be bread and wine, really be

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He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick—no food, no sack, no money in their belts.  They were, however, to wear sandals but not a second tunic. –Mark 6:8-9–             One of my closest friends in the priesthood is Father Frans Berkhout, former principal of

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