Shrewd Satanic Stratagem

            When I was young, I watched a really awesome wildlife program on television.  It was all about, of all things, the tsetse fly.  The bloodsucking tsetse fly, if I remember correctly, was a real nuisance in Africa.  It caused diseases in both livestock and humans, including African sleeping

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Roses in the Rough

If then any man is in Christ, he is a new creature. –2 Corinthians 5:17–             I picked up the bud vase from Mary’s kitchen table and inspected the beautiful artificial roses it contained.             “Can you guess what those roses are made of?” Mary asked.             “Silk?”             “No.”

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A Homily for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C             I am continually amazed at how the effects of sin are so very far reaching.  The results of sin, regardless of whether the original sin has been forgiven, endure from one generation to another.  Sin, like a rock

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Period. Said. Done.

Sometimes when the bell rings to signal the end of class, I say to my students:  “I hate to see you go.”  On other occasions, when I am feeling a little playful, I might say: “I hate to see you.  Go!”  Obviously words are not everything.  Punctuation is key.            

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