Not Our Home

And what I say to you, I say to all, “Watch.” –Mark 13:37–             Early this past summer, my friend Kevin became fascinated with a plant he saw growing at a local nursery.  It was called an “angel’s trumpet.”  Kevin couldn’t say enough about the plant, so I asked him

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Soul Physician

It is not the healthy who need a physician, but they who are sick.  But go, and learn what this means:  I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.  For I have come to call sinners, not the just. –Matthew 9:12-13–             In this insightful observation, Jesus clearly indicates that the art

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Where There’s Smoke…

“Stop making my Father’s house a marketplace.” –John 2:16—                Every year when we study Confirmation and the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, I tell my students about two classic psychological experiments in connection with right judgment.  In the Solomon Asch Conformity Experiment (conducted in the 1950s), the subject

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You Are My Sunshine

Homily Delivered at Notre Dame of Bethlehem Roman Catholic Church Trinity Sunday, June 10th, 2001 for Bethlehem Catholic High School’s Baccalaureate Mass The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. –Proverbs 12:18, NIV– Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity. 

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Na Zdrovia!

That is what happens to those who pluck and eat fruits at the wrong time and in the wrong way.  Oh, the fruit is good, but they loath it ever after. –C.S. Lewis, The Magician’s Nephew—   Some of you history buffs may know that in 1905, the obscure Muscovite

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